OILZ Finance ($OILZ)


The Highest Paying Auto – Staking & Auto – Compounding Protocol

#cryptocurrency #CryptoNews #defiyield #Definews #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi

Fixed staking APY

Oilz.Finance is transforming DeFi space through its unique Oilz Auto-Staking protocol (OAP) that delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY up to 498,249%, rebasing rewards directly into your wallet every 15 minutes

Using the simple buy – hold – earn system and a sustainable fixed compound interest model, Oilz. Finance grows fast and easily your tokens without moving your assets from your wallet


ʻAll OilZ holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest which is paid every 15 minutesʼʼ

How much can I earn?

At the end of the year and with $1,000 USD invested by $OILZ.

You can earn up to

498.249.000 USD

from $OILZ at 498,249% APY*

*Revenues are calculated in a scenario where the SAP maintains the rebase interest for 365 days.

Start the OILZ app

OilZ Auto-Staking Protocol (OAP) features.


$OILZ is the native token on which interest rate rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically earns 0.0243% interest every 15 minutes just for holding $OILZ tokens in their own wallet!


Paying auto-staking and auto-compounding protocol with the highest fixed APY of 498,249% in the crypto space.

Interest premiums are compounded every 15 minutes for each BSC wallet containing any $OILZ tokens

OILZ insurance fund valuation (IFV)

4% of all trading fees are stored in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund, which helps maintain and safeguard stake rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk

OILZ Treasury

The treasury acts as additional financial support for the IFV in the event of an extreme price drop of the $OILZ token or an unforeseen black swan event.

It helps to set a minimum value for the $OILZ token. Oilz Treasury finances OilZ.Finance's new products, projects and marketing activities

the defenders

3% of all $OILZ traded are burned in The Defenders.

As more is traded, more is thrown into the fire, causing the fire pit to increase in size, getting bigger and bigger through self-fulfilling auto-compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable

Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV)

Keeps holders protected by:

  • Achieving the long-term sustainability and future growth of the OilZ Protocol
  • Strong reduction in the extreme price drop of the $OILZ token
  • Avoid flash crash through price stability

How it works

4% of all trading fees are stored in the OilZ Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support the stake rewards provided by the positive rebase

the defenders

Burns token delivery to:

  • Prevent the circulating supply from getting out of control and unmanageable.
  • Offsetting pressure from positive rebase rates.

3% of all $OILZ traded are burned in The Defenders

As more is traded, more is thrown into the fire, causing the fire pit to increase in size, getting bigger and bigger through self-fulfilling auto-compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable

The OilZ.Finance platform dashboard

Updates and improvements Defi 2.0

Is $OILZ checked?

How is staking?

How do I get my Rebase rewards?

Where can I buy $OILZ tokens?

What is slippage for trading?

Is there a maximum supply of $OILZ?

When does the rebase take place?

How do we deal with inflation?

For information :

Website: https://oilz.finance/ . https://docs.oilz.finance/

Telegram ann: https://t.me/OilZFinanceAnn

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/OilzFinance

Telegram chat: https://t.me/OilZFinanceChat


Tomohoon https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3198788


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