
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021


  Hallo zusammen, wie geht es euch? Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, dem Projekt < RushMoon > beizutreten, sollten Sie Informationen lesen, die Ihnen helfen, Informationen zu finden, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Vision und Mission zu erkennen. # RUSH  # Social  # trading  # blockchain  # crypto  #c ryptotrading Dezentrale Finanzierung oder allgemein als DeFi abgekürzt ist ein Protokoll, das verschiedene dezentrale Finanzanwendungen bereitstellt, mit denen Benutzer ihren Gewinn maximieren, Token austauschen oder verschiedene andere Zwecke erfüllen können. Seit Binance seine Kettentechnologie, nämlich Binance Smart Chain, auf den Markt gebracht hat, hat sich der DeFi-Sektor erheblich weiterentwickelt. Bis heute haben viele DeFi-Plattformen die BSC-Technologie übernommen, da sie als effizienter und besser als die herkömmliche Blockchain-Technologie angesehen wird. RushMoon ist als automatische Liquidity Acquisition Yield Farm & AMM-Plattform auf BSC-Basis...

Digital Bureaucracy

  Digital Bureaucracy with Blockchain Infrastructure About Digital Bureaucracy Blockchain Digital Bureaucracy is a public blockchain designed for the mass adoption of blockchain technology by Countries, institutions, enterprises, or individuals of all sizes. It can be driven, fast, secure and requires appropriate processing costs. It is intended to form the basis of a Bureaucracy blockchain ecosystem. Technically, the Digital Bureaucracy blockchain is built on proven existing blockchain innovations and new technologies is created to drive mass adoption. What is DBC? DBC is the first Decentralized Bureaucracy System that simplifies and standardizes data using blockchain technology. We facilitate bureaucracy across Individuals, Institutions, and Countries on the Blockchain Network. What is DBCChain? DBCChain is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software developed by the Digital Bureaucracy team in open source. In order to make the use of DBCChain software specific to countries, institu...

Whole Earth Foundation

  In general, infrastructure can be defined as basic structures and facilities, both physical and social, such as building construction, toll roads, and electricity supply, and various kinds of things needed for the operation of community activities or public services. Infrastructure is all the facilities needed by the general public to support various community activities in daily life. In other words, infrastructure is all facilities, both physical and non-physical, that are built by the government and individuals to meet the basic needs of society in various aspects of social and community life. The question of how to efficiently manage public goods such as water and air has long been studied in economics. It is generally believed that markets fail to allocate resources for public goods efficiently. The main reason for this stems from the fact that high public activity is not always valued economically and exchanged outside the market. As a result, the general public has no ince...

Review BSCTrust Platform IDO (BinanceSmartChain)

  Hi everyone, before I start, I want to introduce first, my name is Ratih999 .. this time I want to share a project that is very unique, great, has a positive reputation, is transparent, and is called BSCTrust. BSCTrust is a unique platform, multifunctional, transparent and very worthy to be invested in the long term. The BSCtrust platform provides a variety of feature services that are easy to access by anyone. so, to know more details about this project, then I directly discuss it below. About BSCTrust? So, I can say that BSCTrust is a Decentralized IDO platform built using the BSC Blockchain or Binance Smart Chain. Apart from that, this platform has some unique features that are rarely shared by other platforms, especially with BSCTrust, you can get initial priority access to quality low-cap Gems + Free NFT to top Stakers. The BSCTrust Platform is run by a third party, so that anyone including you can access or use this Platform at your own risk. like an example: if you be...